Go behind the scenes with self-shooting Director Sam Hockley and discover how the Nikon Z 9 helped him to make the documentary 'Dare To Hope'.
“It’s just me out in the field with Harry, so I need a camera that can keep up with that.” - Sam Hockley
Sam discusses the process of capturing fine-art wildlife photographer Harry Skeggs and his journey to witness the effects of climate change on the wildlife of Antarctica and South Georgia.
**It was nice to get in front of the camera for a change!
chris evans breakfast show
Director/Vision Mixer
Live every Friday morning during the Chris Evans Breakfast show. We rig and shoot these live sessions with a small talented team of creatives. I Direct camera moves and vision mix live from a the gallery.
Big comedy night
self-shooting director/producer
Digital miniseries in partnership with the Evening Standard in Uber. Conceptualising a “Make London Laugh Again” brief and creating 9 shorts following comedians on their journey to a gig.
Next big thing
self-shooting director/producer
Six-part series about young, upcoming artists from London. 22-minute episodes commissioned by London Live and is now broadcasting on British Airways Inflight. I also edited the series.
london rising
self-shooting director/producer
Interviewees included Tony Blair and Victoria Beckham, all shot on location with strict coronavirus precautions in place.
harry skeggs
self-shooting director/producer
Harry asked me to help him create an introductory video as a Judge for a photo competition for Audley Travel. We are also working on some fantastic upcoming films so watch this space…
self-shooting director/producer
With the Resi team, I successfully designed and implemented a visual-style for their different avenues of business needs.
london live sessions
director/vision mixer
Weekly music show, all booked, produced and created by the London Live Tech Team. For this one, I chose to use the MRMC Robotic camera arm for a one-shot session, beat-counting the operator to cue each move.